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You Belong

A poem written for a few friends before going to Social Venture Institute 2023 at Hollyhock...

You belong

Go on long walks in the woods

Drink mint leaves in hot water with a spoon of honey

Take a plunge in the ocean

Don’t leave your wet towel on the ground

Respect the land and those that came before you

Wander barefoot in the bioluminescence

Learn more about zooplankton

Toast freshly baked seed bread at the toast bar

Put on so much butter and honey that it drips on the plate

Lick the plate clean

Take only what you need

Spend an afternoon in the meditation hut

Lie flat on the ground and stop trying to be good at it

Let the tears flow before wiping them

Read the oyster shell messages

Stop and listen to the raven calling your name

Take a nap

Say yes if someone asks you to jump in and you feel ready

Wake up for a morning yoga class

Sleep in and say no to your routines

Question when you say no and when you say yes

Listen more when you feel like talking

Listen to the voice you haven't heard yet

Also, say the thing

Taste the granola even if you don’t normally eat breakfast

Marvel at the mycelium

Pull the covers over your head and keep sleeping

Turn off the alarms

You have time.

Listen for the baby barred owls

Slow down when the wind howls through the trees

And the raven gurgles

Stay up past your bedtime

Walk quietly along the path to Olatunji Hall

Reflect on how Babatunde Olatunji might actually be here

Right now. In this moment.

Recognize that we are on Klahoose territory

Take time to feel the truth of that

Before you sink into to the tentacles of this place

Before it was a farm, a Cold Mountain and the many versions of Hollyhock before

Notice that the rules change each year because we are evolving

That it is a privilege to be here

Take deep breaths

Feel ease in your bones

Bring a headlamp

Walk away when it feels good

Walk towards it when it feels good

Open yourself to the land

Be you

You belong

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